“Mom, sea life is the best thing in the whole world!” … Eoin enthusiastically declared, after a day spent exploring the Pollock Holes in Kilkee!

Declan & Eoin exploring the Pollock Holes together

A swimming starfish

Duggerna Reef is a natural wonder that is located at the southern end of the semi-circle that forms Kilkee Beach. At the inner edge of the reef along the shoreline are the Pollock Holes, which are natural rock pools, that form when the tide is low. Along with three large pools that offer great fun for swimmers, there are many tiny pools scattered about… all teaming with marine life!

Seaweed in a pool I call "Mom's Hair"

The Pollock Holes attract both adults and children alike, many swimming in the large pools and others just wandering about with an eye out for starfish, shellfish, jellyfish and all sorts of assorted seaweed, plant life and living creatures caught in the pools for the day. Many children come equipped with plastic buckets and nets in order to capture sea creatures for a closer look before returning them to the pools. Then it all disappears in the late afternoon with the incoming tide – only to reappear again the next morning!

Local girls holding a live starfish. Their dad said, "Put my redhead in the photo, the Americans will love it!"

Jellyfish are very difficult to photograph!

On our first day in Kilkee we found ourselves so enthralled with the Pollock Holes, that we spent nearly six hours exploring them – only to stop once or twice to refresh ourselves with a break for tea. Eoin was delighted and excited! Now, like most of the other children at the pools, he is equipped with his own net and bucket and is quite sure that the earth’s greatest treasures come from the sea!

Nature's still life