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I’m a grandmother!

Will she call me Granny, or Grandma, or Nanna, or Gran — or Janet? I joked about that last one, Janet, when my kids asked me what I wanted her to call me and I pretended to not want to be labeled a grandma! But to be honest, as thrilled as I am to be a grandmother — the title itself does feel a little bit strange to me and I can’t seem to zero in on the one that fits. But whatever I decide, or she decides, I think the first time I hear her say it to me will be wonderful.

Charlotte River, or “Charlie” as her parents call her, was born to my daughter-in-law and eldest son on October 2nd. In a family brimming with September and October birthdays, she managed to land on a day that is all her own. This little girl is a miracle baby who, along with her parents, had to jump over many serious hurdles to arrive into the world, and we were all on pins and needles the whole journey. But arrive she did, all 9 pounds 1 ounce of her! And the joy she brings to our family is equalled by the gratitude we are all feeling right now.

However, this Granny/Grandma/Nanna/Gran lives in Ireland, a half a world away from Portland, Oregon where Charlotte resides. And although I was able to speak to her on a video phone call within a couple hours of her birth and got a thrill when she stopped crying for a moment to listen, I’ve had to satisfy my longing to meet and hold my granddaughter, by watching videos of her — over and over and over again! And while I look forward to being able to meet her in person when I travel there at the end of this month, waiting is very hard. But Charlotte River is worth the wait.

Love was a sandy riverbed

where The River Charlotte laid her head.

Through hostile terrain she made her way,

with odds not so good, she continued to stay.


Charlotte River knew her mind,

and her very own day was determined to find.

Though the dates of her people littered her path

She found her own, in the aftermath.


The River Charlotte arrived in the fall

to a beautiful hippy and a hipster so tall —

to teach them that miracles rarely are planned

and with her very own spirit she flooded their land.




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Daily Archive Calendar

October 2019