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Eoin having a scream in Lahinch!

St. Tola's 12th century High Cross at Dysert O'Dea shares its field with a herd of cows.

My husband called from Chicago saying it was the coolest day there in about 3 weeks with a high of only about 75 degrees – he was very happy with the “cool” weather. I told him it was probably the warmest day here in about 3 weeks with a temperature that hit a high of about 73 degrees. Eoin and I were very happy with the warm weather! Warm or cool, it is all relative!

Anyway, the West Clare weather has been very nice for several days now, culminating in weather that today, felt almost tropical! And due to the mild, dry days we have spent lots of time at the Pollock Holes hunting sea creatures, have made a few trips around the Burren, spent a couple of hours touring the castle and grounds at the Dysert O’Dea Castle Museum in Corofin, saw yet another flight display at the Birds of Prey Center, drove along the Coast Road from Ballyvaughan down to Doolin, took a little drive up to Lahinch one day to watch the surfers and generally have kept so busy there has been little time to write about it! So I thought I would just share a few photos of our recent days in Clare.

I hope, wherever you are, you are having a pleasant summer too!

Up close with a vulture at The Birds of Prey.

Eoin rock climbing in the Burren.

Eoin's treasure trove of hermit crabs.

... and I did a bit of gardening, too!

Poulnabrone Dolmen - from

I’ve been home all day today with my 7 year old who is, thankfully, recovering from a bout of stomach flu. Between the sick child, a lack of sleep last night and being deprived of my daily iced mocha… I haven’t a thing to write today, nor the energy to type it even if my brain would allow me to think clearly. So, as a bit of a cop out, I thought I’d drop in a pretty cool photo I found online, showing the Poulnabrone Dolmen that I mentioned in my post yesterday. This dolmen stands in a farmer’s field somewhere out in the Burren. The first time I visited it I entered the field through an open gate. On the ground next to the gate there was a bucket containing some coins and above the bucket a hand written sign was posted stating, “Donations, for upkeep of gate” !

Wildflowers in the Burren from

An bhoireann, the place of rocks. During my first trip to Ireland I became acquainted with an Ice Age treasure.

The Burren, is a landscape made up of limestone criss-crossed with massive cracks to form slabs that cover roughly 300 square kilometers of north-west County Clare. My first glimpse of this Irish natural wonder was from the Coast Road, where the Burren borders the Atlantic coastline. Parking my car on the rough shoulder at the side of the road, I walked as close to the edge as I could safely go and stood on slippery rocks watching as huge, violent Atlantic waves pounded gigantic, limestone blocks. Standing within that surreal landscape, in nearly gale force winds with the deafening sound of the crashing waves filling my ears, was both frightening and exhilarating.

This haunting landscape stretches for miles from the Atlantic shore into Clare, covering mountains and valleys and is home to caves, ring forts, ecclesiastic sites, megalithic tombs and human relics that date back 6,000 years. The most famous of these is the Poulnabrone Dolmen, an ancient portal tomb also known as ‘The Bed of Diarmuid and Grainne’, once believed to have been a place of shelter for these star-crossed lovers from the mists of Irish mythology.

At first glance, and in most photographs, the Burren appears no more than a bleak, barren moonscape. However, this place is full of surprises. When I caught my first glimpse of the Burren I was quite surprised to see cattle grazing on the limestone terrain. I wondered what they could possibly find to nibble on in such a place. It was only after I took a closer look on foot, that I became aware of all sorts of tiny, colorful wildflowers, herbs and even the occasional wild strawberry, growing in the cracks between the stone slabs. Part of what makes the Burren a natural wonder, besides its geological formation, is that both Alpine and Mediterranean wildflowers, normally not found in the same country, exist sided by side in the small amount of soil available between the stone… apparently a delectable salad for cattle and a delicious treat for Clare bees as well, judging by the jars of ‘Burren Wildflower Honey’ found in most local gift shops!

Exploring the striking and mythical landscape of the Burren was a highlight of my first trip to Ireland and I recommend it to anyone planning a visit to that part of the world. But these days, my interest in this particular place is of a more personal and homey nature. Although I am by no means a gardener, it is my hope to turn the wild, weedy overgrowth that surrounds Rose Cottage into a bit of a wildflower garden featuring blooms specific to the region. I’ll work on this project a little at a time, beginning with an information gathering visit to The Burren Perfumery which lies in the heart of the Burren. It is my plan to stop there during our week-long stay at the end of March, if we can manage the time. Meanwhile, I will be content to browse their website… and invite you to take a look as well!

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